Friday, May 22, 2015

We reach together for the best we can be

"I help you and you help me. We reach together for the best we can be. I help you and you help me. And that's the way it's supposed to be." This is another LDS Primary song. I know what it says is true. There are males and females on this earth for an important reason. We can do a lot of the same things, but we aren't exactly the same and we shouldn't be. Everyone deserves respect and should be able to work for their goals. As men and women work together we help each other become more complete. Our strengths compliment each other and it's when we are working together that we excel.

I know that what gender we are is not a mistake. We were boys and girls long before we came to earth. We shouldn't try to be what we are not. Many people are attracted to the same gender. We need to still accept and loves those that are. We shouldn't label them as Gay or Lesbian. There is so much about each person. They shouldn't be defined by one thing about them. People with this attraction should be treated with patience. Some of them really struggle with this desire and want to change. We should help them change when that's what they want. There are four things that we can do to help in this situation:

  1. Help them understand what's going on and what they are feeling
  2. Teach skills to they stop abusing themselves and others
  3. Help them develop skills to manage emotions
  4. Develop healthy relationships with their own gender. 
Why do these steps help? Well there is a process that many people go through that have the same gender attraction. The typical one is that they temperament determines who they play with and what they play with. If what they are playing is normal than they are accepted. If not, like a boy playing with Barbies and dress ups, they he is often teased and made to feel bad for what he is doing. The boy feels different because he is treated that way. He might blame his gender for that. As years go by there is some kind of non-specific autonomic arousal. Many boys who go through this cycle have a sexual experience at age 12. Later pornography is looked at. These boys are sexually aroused which causes them to think "Hmm I felt something with a man, so it must mean I am Gay". Then they romanticize about it. They are so hungry for acceptance especially from their own gender since they never felt like they fit in. So, they might try to get that acceptance where ever they can.  

We need to help people in this situation feel loved.. We need to help them talk about what they are feeling and experiencing and so they know that they aren't alone, so we know how to better help them.

One last thing is, we shouldn't stereo type. Just because a man is sensitive, artistic, nurturing, driven, and compassionate, doesn't mean he is attracted to men! Those qualities can make a great husband. The Savior has those qualities and he is perfect. Lets help each other out and not be so quick to un-righteously judge. We need to have our arms stretched out and help others feel loved and included like the Savior did. 

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